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Locdecoder administration

You can start the Locdecoder administration by pressing „Alt-D“ or a mouse click on the marked Icon (red frame).

Create a new Decoder

  1. Select the Dummydecoder „_New in the ComboBox (1).
  2. Give the decoder an unique name (2).
  3. Select the manufacturer of the Decoder (3).
  4. Select the modell of the decoder (4).
  5. Write the Decoder-Addr. into field „DCC-Adr.:“ (5). This is only possible, if the Digitalsystem „BiDiB POM“ is selected.
  6. Select the Speedsteps of the Decoder (6).
  7. Select the type of Decoder (7).
  8. A doubleclick on the Loco-Symbol (27), open a file-dialog. You can choose an image of the Loco. The size of the image should be 200×80 Pixel.
  9. In 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 and the „Comment“-Field, you can write any text.
  10. Select the buying date at (23).
  11. Click on the Icon (8) to save the decoder.

Change a Decoder

  1. Select the decoder, you want to chnage (1).
  2. Change the data in 2 - 27.
  3. Click on the Icon (8) to save the changes.

Delete a Decoder

  1. Select the decoder, you want to delete (1).
  2. Click on the Wastbasket-Icon (9) to delete the decoder.

Export a list of Decoders

A click on the blue diskette-icon (10), generate a list of all decoders as a CSV-File.

monitor-en.1449129931.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/07/05 10:47 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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