


Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!


The BiDiB-Monitor gives you an overview of the connected BiDiB-Bus- Structure and the Nodes on the Bus.

Current Version : vom 30. Oct. 2015

Version in development : vom 15. Dec. 2015
:!: This version con contain errors and malfunction which can result into failures on the bus repectivly on notes on the bus.
:!: So, please don't unzip this version into the folder of the „current version“.

License: This program is freeware. There is no implicit nor explicit garantie of the funktionality or compensation in case of programfaults.


Following functions are implemented in the current version:

  • All nodes are shown in a Treeview.
  • List of Firmware-Version, features and UID of all nodes.
  • The status of the occupancie is shown in a table. If the note supports the feature, Adress, Speed and moving direction
  • You can change the features of a node.
  • A short description can be set to the node.
  • Modelclock with changeble clockseed / start- and endtime / repeat.
  • Firmware-Update over BiDiB-Bus. It is possible to update several nodes, of the same type, automaticly one after another.
  • Booster can switched on/off. Display the power consumption in a table.
  • CV-Administration for BiDiB-Nodes.

New features and changes in the development version ( whithout ganrantied function :!: ):

  • Error solved: Refresh of CV-Values in TreeView under Win 10.
  • New: CV-SML-File for Decoder Tams FD-M.
  • New: Direct read/write of a single CV at Decoder-Administration.
  • Error in Accessory-Query solved.
  • Error in Multilanguage-Handling solved.
  • Update: New Statusicons for Aspects of Accessories.
  • New: Search of CV-Number in Decoder- and Node-CV-Administration.
  • Update: Some new Decoder-Images (Zimo)
  • Error in Handling of CV-Type „Long“ fixed.



Since version, the following new functions are available in the CV-Administration for Decoder and Nodes.

You can insert a CV-Number at „Search CV:“ and press <Enter>. If the CV-Number not found, the background color of the textbox will change into „red“. If the CV-Number found, the CV-Entry in the TreeView will shown as the selected CV.

CV List

Beside the Treeview, a new Listview is available. A „click“ on the CV, open the related CV-Edit-Tab in the right part of the window.
The search function does not work in the Listview.

CV direct read/write

A single CV can be read/write without a CV-XML file.
ATTANTION: There is no check for Validation of the value.

Locdecoder administration

You can start the Locdecoder administration by pressing „Alt-D“ or a mouse click on the CV-Icon (red frame).

Create a new Decoder

  1. Select the Dummydecoder „_New“ in the ComboBox (1).
  2. Give the decoder an unique name (2).
  3. Select the manufacturer of the Decoder (3).
  4. Select the modell of the decoder (4).
  5. Write the Decoder-Addr. into field „DCC-Adr.:“ (5). This is only possible, if the Digitalsystem „BiDiB POM“ is selected.
  6. Select the Speedsteps of the Decoder (6).
  7. Select the type of Decoder (7).
  8. A doubleclick on the Loco-Symbol (27), open a file-dialog. You can choose an image of the Loco. The size of the image should be 200×80 Pixel.
  9. In 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 and the „Comment“-Field, you can write any text.
  10. Select the buying date at (23).
  11. Click on the Icon (8) to save the decoder.

Change a Decoder

  1. Select the decoder, you want to chnage (1).
  2. Change the data in 2 - 27.
  3. Click on the Icon (8) to save the changes.

Delete a Decoder

  1. Select the decoder, you want to delete (1).
  2. Click on the Wastbasket-Icon (9) to delete the decoder.

Export a list of Decoders

A click on the blue diskette-icon (10), generate a list of all decoders as a CSV-File.

Optional funktiones for test and development

This functions can be enabled by click on the marked checkbox.

Output of all POM-Messages

In the Tab „POM-Log“, all in- and outgoing POM-Messages are shaown as a list.

monitor/monitor-doku-en.1450767035.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/07/05 10:52 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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